Principal’s Message 8/27/19

Dear Silver Creek High School Students and Families,

It has been a strong start to the academic year and I want to thank each of you for your continued partnership in ensuring that our school environment meets the highest standard of excellence, safety, and quality. 

As the school year gets underway, we are excited for our athletic games, music performances, and other large events to begin. These provide wonderful opportunities to welcome Silver Creek High School supporters from across our greater community who want to celebrate the success and achievements of our students. This year, to enhance event safety and expedite event entry, we are asking that all students refrain from bringing backpacks, duffle bags, or other large cases into school athletic games, music performances, or other large events. If carrying a large bag into a school event is necessary, a member of the school staff may ask to see the contents of the bag.

It is going to be another outstanding year at Silver Creek High School and I look forward to seeing everyone cheering on our students at an upcoming game, concert, or event. If you have any questions about event protocols, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected]


Go Raptors!


Erick Finnestead 
Principal, Silver Creek High School

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