Silver Creek High School Parents and Guardians,
Recently the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why has been released. The information covered in this series has come under scrutiny for it’s content and depiction of teenage suicide. As a resource, we would like to provide you with some ideas, talking points and strategies you can use as a parent, friend, colleague and family member. Please visit LINK to NASP – produced by the National School Psychologists. Information about suicide contained in this document is for educators, families and contains safe messaging for students. At Silver Creek your child has access to caring adults, school counselors and a counselor/interventionist. If ever there are concerns about suicide, let’s all see to it that professional support is provided to those in need. If ever we are aware of a student suicide concern, we provide support to that individual, contact parents/guardians and develop a plan of support. On 4/27/17 your child had the opportunity to view the Rachel’s Challenge assembly. This assembly does contain information about the Columbine High School Shooting in 1999 and touches upon issues of social emotional duress and suicide. The primary focus is upon the lasting legacy of Rachel Joy Scott, who was one of the victims at Columbine. On account of the assembly, our students have been challenged to:
1) ELIMINATE PREJUDICES in your heart. Look for the best in others. Give people three chances before judging or labeling them.
2) DARE TO DREAM. Write down your goals and keep a journal.
3) CHOOSE POSITIVE INFLUENCES. Input determines output.
4) Use KIND WORDS. Little acts of kindness can make a huge difference in the lives of others.
5) START A CHAIN REACTION of love, kindness and compassion in your family and community.
It is our sincere hope that through a supportive school community we can prevent issues of suicide and bullying. In this process, we are developing a club called Friends of Rachel whereby we will focus on acts of goodwill and creating a more welcoming environment for all students. Thank you for your continued support, and I encourage you to have dialogue with your child regarding the contents of this communication. Sincerely,Erick FinnesteadPrincipal, Silver Creek High School